Monday 5 February 2018

Adult Plush Teddy Bear Sex Toy

When you start searching for the best sex toys in the market, you must have stumbled upon the cute looking teddy bear. It looks innocent and a thing for a kid but it is not. In fact, it is a naughty little thing that you can cuddle and play with intimately. These teady bears are becoming increasingly popular because of their numerous qualities. If you loved teddies in your childhood then you would adore them now as well. The following points will give you a little brief on the qualities of these toys and as to why you should own at least one:

It blends in:
Unlike other sex toys, you can carry it freely. It is just a teddy bear after all. The only difference between this and other teddy bears is that it vibrates a little. You can place it comfortably on your bed without feeling the need of hiding it. It blends in with the rest of the ambience of the room. No one can know how much intimate this teddy is.

It is versatile:
You can use a teddy bear sex toy in a variety of positions. It is amazingly versatile in this regard. Trying out new positions with this furry and cuddly toy is a pleasing experience. Most of these offer varying intensities so you can have an orgasm at your own pace. Either instantly or slowly.

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