Monday 19 March 2018

Using water based lubes – The complete guide for using water based lubes

Lubes are a great way to improve your intercourse. You and your partner can remove any kind of friction present between the two by using lubes. They come mainly in three different kinds but the most popular ones are the water based lubes. These are great for a number of reasons. You can be certain of having a great experience with these lubes. But if you don’t know as to where to begin with these products. Just read the following points and they’ll help you in the same:

Apply it on the toys
You can choose to use these lubes on toys. Whether it’s a vibrator or a massager, lubes can make the experience amazingly better. You won’t feel any kind of roughness or discomfort while using lubes with these toys.

Use it while masturbating
A great way to use lubes, is to use them while masturbating. You won’t believe the level of pleasure you can get by applying a little lube on your hands. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a man or woman, lubes based on water can help you incredibly in having a great masturbating experience.

It’s wonderful for anal sex
Anal sex is completely different from the normal intercourse. A vagina can lubricate the intercourse for smoothness but the anus can’t do the same. Therefore, you should choose to use lube freely for a smooth and enjoyable experience. Whether it’s with a partner or toy, you should use a lube.

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